Chaos Astrology

AstroLocality: a Guide to Relocation

AstroLocality is a guide to relocation and travel based on your birth chart. Commonly consulted in relocation questions, an AstroLocality map superimposes your birth chart on a map of the world, and can be an invaluable tool for planning a holiday or business trip, and particularly when considering any travel or a more permanent move to some faraway place.AstroLocality

The AstroLocality Map shows where you can expect to experience the effects and conditions of the planets in your birth chart, either by going to a location near a planetary line, or by having important contacts, such as family, romantic interests or career connections there. For example, whereas a Saturn line is more likely to be hard going and restrictive, a Jupiter line increases your sense of optimism and chances of success.

The AstroLocality Guide covers up to three locations, so the length of the report will vary.

AstroLocality Map and Guide:

Please Note: This report is unavailable until September 2024. Please check back then. Many thanks!

AstroLocality Map and Guide Terms & Conditions

:: The AstroLocality Map and Guide are personalized documents based on astrological data calculated for the date, time and place that you enter in the order form and send to me. The information contained therein pertains to the symbolism of traditional astrology, and may or may not provide specific answers to your personal questions.

'The universe has become not only conscious and aware of itself but capable in some respects of choosing its path into the future - though all three, the consciousness, the knowledge, and the choice, are dispersed over a vast crowd of beings, acting both individually and collectively.' ~ Thomas Nagel